Happy International Women’s Day 2020!
The theme for international women’s day 2020 focuses on reaffirming female rights. This follows the UN women’s new multigenerational campaign ‘Generation Equality.’ 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and platform for action, the most successful platform in helping women and girls.
Following on from this theme of acknowledging female rights, here are a few ongoing projects set up to help women support globally in achieving equality!
1:Girls Out Loud:
This is a charity that looks to help teenage girls with their mental health and confidence with the likes of peer pressure in schools and online. Mental health is a high priority in regards to the effects social media can have on young girls.
2:Women in Sport:
This charity’s aim is to help get more young girls and women into sports. Claiming that 1.5 million more men are currently involved in professional sports than women. With that in mind, the charity hopes to provide more sporting opportunities for women.
3:Women’s Aid:
This is a charity which since 1974 has offered its services to both women and children suffering from domestic abuse. The organization not only sets up a sufficient support system but also a 24-hour helpline. Allowing crucial support for the millions of women deeply affected by abuse in the home.
4:Smart Works:
This organization was set up by HRH and the Duchess of Sussex, providing both interview training and clothing for low-income women. Through this, the charity hopes to help get more women into the work-place, overcoming their previous financial barriers.
5:Rights of Women:
This organization looks to end violence against women as well as insure women globally are aware of their own rights. Providing free and confidential legal advice, the charity deals with issues around family, criminal, immigration and asylum-seeking. Through their work, they aim to empower women and prevent authorities from disregarding the rights women have.
To Conclude:
These are just a few of the amazing organizations set up to help women. However, their amazing work is not finished yet. That’s why whilst international Women’s day is a day of celebration, it is also one to push further towards gender equality. Today is the day to celebrate the women we love, the women who inspire us and who push us to be the best we can.
Happy International Women’s Day!
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