Our Top 5 Back-to-Uni Tips

So it’s a new year, and with it comes a new term at university. But after Christmas, it’s sometimes hard to get back into the swing of things, especially with all of those January assignments looming.
Which is why we thought we’d give you a little guide on how to keep on top of all that work whilst juggling your social life.

1) Have a clear idea of when all your deadlines are

It’s much easier to prepare for an assignment when you know when it’s due in- and which one comes first!

2) Make sure you have plenty of food in

Odds are, when you move back in after C15821842151_c5b2b43730_ohristmas, there won’t be much food in your fridge. But before you start those late night revision sessions and relentless studying (you can do it!), make sure you’re fully stocked up; you won’t get much done on an empty stomach!

3) Try to re-adjust your sleeping pattern

After all those Christmas and New Year parties, it’s tempting to stay up until the early hours of the morning every night, but you’ll soon remember the pain that is 9:15am lectures… maybe try to just do two nights a week! (We recommend Thursday nights at Props for sure)

4) But don’t shut yourself off

Sometimes it can be equally tempting to just shut yourself away to catch up on the stuff that we all know we really should’ve done over the holidays, but it’s a good idea to socialise with your friends. Don’t stress it! You’re more likely to do well on an assignment if you’re less stressed.

5) New stationery

The best motivator!2154521475_49256b037b_o

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